Callumn Morrison Trains with the Squad

Callumn Morrison Trains with the Squad

Deadline day signing Callumn Morrison didn’t hang around too long until he laced up his boots for the Blues. He headed from signing his contract, straight down to Midgley Park for his first training session with the rest of the team. Official Training Partner – Eventsec

Linfield Women Start Back to Pre-season Training

Linfield Women Start Back to Pre-season Training

Linfield Women’s Committee Chairman Stephen Dickson, Manager Ryan McConville and his staff welcomed Linfield’s Women side back to pre-season training last night after their third place finish in the Sports Direct Women’s Premiership last year.  

Linfield Staff and Players in Newcastle

Linfield Staff and Players in Newcastle

Yesterday the Linfield playing staff, players and chairman Roy McGivern attended the funeral of Michael Newberry in Newcastle, followed by a celebration of Michael’s life in St. James’ Park.